German courses for students: B2.1 und B2.2

Intensive courses of the intermediate level qualify you for the DSH preparation in 12 weeks (6 weeks B2.1 and 6 weeks B2.2)

You will learn about how to take notes during listening comprehension, about helpful strategies for students for reading and listening and about how to give a presentation at university. The texts become more demanding and you’ll be introduced to German as an academic language. Selected current topics picked from the media will be analyzed and discussed. You’ll write more texts of your own with a focus on argumentation.

The grammar training will cover all kinds of task types included in the DSH exams.

At the end of the course first DSH mock tests are carried out and rated.

Kompass DaF B2.1 – Hybride Ausgabe allango
ISBN 978-3-12-670005-4
Preis: 24,99 €


Kompass DaF B2.2 – Hybride Ausgabe allango
ISBN 978-3-12-670058-0
24,99 €

Dictionary: “Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache” (ISBN 978-3-468-49048-4)

FYI: At some universities it is possible to register for the DSH exam with our B2 certificate.
