telc C1 Hochschule (for university)
A good alternative if you want to study in Germany but can't register for a DSH-test!
We regularly offer the telc test Deutsch C1 Hochschule and give study applicants at level C1 the opportunity to receive an accepted language certificate directly at pdL.
The test has a written and an oral exam, taking place on two consecutive days. The written part consists of: reading comprehension, language elements, listening comprehension and text production.
See sample exam.
In case of further questions please contact n.kaya@wir-do.de, m.kraus@wir-do.de
telc A1/B2/C1
At pdL you can prepare for telc tests and take them to achieve the accepted language certificate you need. As a telc Kompetenzzentrum (telc Competence Center) pdL offers telc-tests German A1, B2 and C1 on a regular basis.
The test has a written and an oral exam, taking place on two consecutive days. The written part consists of: reading comprehension, language elements, listening comprehension and text production.
Please register at our office
The „Deutschtest für Zuwanderer (DTZ)“ is the language exam at the end of the integration course. You can achieve level A2 or B1 (Common European framework of reference for languages).
B1 means you can talk about every day topics and read and write corresponding texts. B1 doesn't mean you speak perfect German.
The test has a written and an oral exam, taking place on two consecutive days (Fri/Sat) every month. The written part consists of reading comprehension, listening comprehension and text production, the oral exam is about introducing yourself, talking about a picture, making plans together.
For more information and exercises please see the g.a.s.t. e.V. website.
Please note: Since 1 January 2023, the DTZ has been offered nationwide by the "Gesellschaft für akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung e.V." (g.a.s.t. e.V.). We only offer the exam on separate dates (approx. four times a year) for interested parties who do not attend or have not attended an integration course at pdL. The prerequisite for participation is that you have a PKZ (BAMF personal identification number). For all pdL students who regularly attend an integration course, the exam takes place after Module 6.
€130 for self-paying students. Please contact our office.
Leben in Deutschland (LiD)
„Leben in Deutschland (LiD)“ is the name of the test at the end of the "Orientierungskurs", and it's the second obligatory final test of the integration course.
In 33 multiple choice answers you prove your knowledge about recent German history, Germany's political system and about values and norms of our society. If you answer at least 17 questions right, the Ausländerbehörde will accept this test as an „Einbürgerungstest“ (citizenship test). For more information on the LiD please see the BAMF website.
Please note: We currently only offer the LiD test to pdL students who are attending or have attended an integration course or at least the orientation course at pdL.
€25 for self-paying students. Please contact our office.